Sabtu, Februari 08, 2020

Jangan Sampai 5 Kali Salah Klaim Ciarkan Voucher INDODAX !!

Asslmlkmm wr. wb.

Washaapp mameennn !!!

Sudah lama ga nulis di sub-forum ini ,jadi kangen nih sama keluarga Bitcointalk Indonesia.  Kiss

- Tujuan di tulis utas : Supaya member SF Indonesia ini tidak mengalami hal buruk seperti ini .

- Inspirasi                   : Pengalaman pribadi akibat ceroboh . Cheesy

Oh iya,Saya mau sharing pengalaman pribadi nih dari akun INDODAX yg bisa berakibat fatal jika kita salam klaim voucher 5 kali berturut-turut .
Tapi sebelumnya , terima kasih banget dan semoga sejahtera kepada masulum karena beliau selalu memberikan Give Away di Channel Telegram Bitcointalk Indonesia . Uuuyyyeeeeee  Grin
Jadi,jadi bagi kaleean yg belum join di  channel tersebut , ayo join dunnk !

Jika belum percaya beliau sering memberikan GA , silahkan cek bukti nya seperti gambar di bawah ini :

- Bagian APES

Ceritanya,masulum pagi-pagi memberikan GA di group Telegram, kemudian belum ada yg claim dan beliau menulis kalau voucher tersebut (gambar di atas) belum ada yg klaim.
GA nya itu menggunakan Screenshot dari pembuatan voucher , bukan dari Copas kode Voucher nya.
Saya ceroboh karena salah 5 kali berturut-turut untuk pencairan voucher (padahal saya sudah teliti dan berapa kali saya cek ,dengan kesalahan pertama kan otomatis ada peringatan "voucher salah" dan itu seingat saya juga 3 kali di cek ).

Hitungannya seperti ini mungkin :
 - Salah pertama : saya cek 3 kali
 - Salah kedua     : saya cek 3 kali
 - Salah ketiga     : saya cek 3 kali
 - Salah keempat : saya cek 3 kali
 - Salah kelima    : saya cek 3 kali

Berarti total kesalahan saya untuk claim voucher tersebut 15 kali pengecekan , wkwkkwkwkk Apeess mameeenn !! Cheesy Cheesy Grin

Setelah Salah klaim voucher 5 kali maka saya dapat bonus tambahan dari INDODAX , dan ini nikmat sekali seperti gambar di bawah ini :

Hadiahnya itu adalah akun saya di kunci selam 5 hari dan ini lumayan TerkejuDDDDD !
Bagaimana tidak terkejut karena saya pedagang harian di berbagai exchange kecil yg selalu mencairkan BTC saya di INDODAX .
Kalau akun INDODAX saya di kunci ,maka rekening saya selama 5 hari kosong dooonk tanpa pemasukan . Cheesy

- Pemecahan Masalah

Setelah menghela nafas sejenak 10 menit ,maka saya tak patah arah karena saya titisan Ultraman yg datang dari goa yg ada di Ngawi . haha
Saya refresh akun Indodax nya dan kemudian langsung ada notice ,seperti gambar di bawah ini :

Jadi , Indodax memberikan kemudahan dengan memberikan fitur Pin SMS untuk membuka akun yg di kunci .
Saya ikutin alurnya :
 - Pilih PIN Unlock .
 - Pilih Tombol Biru " Kirim PIN Unlock"
 - Ada 7 Digit PIN SMS ke nomor telpon yg kita masukan di akun INDODAX .
 - Dan pilih " submit PIN "  Seperti gambar di bawah ini :

Dengan ketegaran,ketabahan dan kesabaran maka akun saya kembali di buka kembali oleh INDODAX , Alhmdlah Barokalloh berarti siap-siap ATM saya setiap hari masuk kembali pundi-pundi Rupiah nya , hehe
Untuk bukti pembukaan kembali akun nya bisa di cek gambarnya di bawah ini :

Bisa lebih fatal lagi jika nomor telpon yg kita cantumkan di INDODAX tersebut sudah tidak aktif .
Ini bisa berabe dan mungkin jalan satu-satunya pasti langsung berhadapan langsung dengan pihak INDODAX supaya akun kita bisa di buka kembali .

Sekian pengalaman buruk saya , semoga kisah ini tidak terulang ke member SF Indonesia , biarlah daku yg merasakan pahit , kalian ga akan kuat , wkwkwkk

*Silahkan berikan saran kepada saya supaya utas ini bisa lebih bermanfaat untuk kita semua .

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Di kutip dari forum Bitcointalk bagian Indoneisa , link nya bisa di cek disini gan :

Selasa, Juni 11, 2019

Earn BCNEX and Swap to XRP

Welcome to my Blog and  How are you all true Bloggers?
I hope you are doing well.

   Making money in the digital world always gives the best for all people because I am not limited by age, maybe even a small child can get it but I see most of the little kids surfing the internet looking for unique things for their pleasure, not for making money . True bloggers and viewers can get free money from the internet by accessing BCNEX which is an Exchange platform that is being developed in Vietnam.
   BCNEX provides free money by following Task Earn on its main website, easily like: filling KYC and then sharing the referrals on Facebook or sharing it on Twitter. These are among the tasks that are easy to understand and there are still many tasks that you can do easily and get more BCNEX tokens. After doing the task easily, you will get BCNEX tokens on the dashboard according to what you are doing and these rewards are quite large and we should be grateful for this event from BCNEX. But in its implementation it has a time limit that is only available 3 days, so this event must be completed immediately so that Swap to Ripple is still completed. But in its implementation it has a time limit that is only available 3 days, so this event must be completed immediately so that Swap to Ripple is still completed. Check time is also at GMT + 7, where this time is from Vietnam because the base of the BCNEX headquarters is in Vietnam.
Picture from Bcnex Website

   When I wrote this Blog, the BCNEX tokens were only available around 610,624 BCNEX and this indicated there were still many opportunities to get from BCNEX. Many say faster is better and you can do it now before you miss the train. 
You still have doubts about the blog that I created, so you really don't want money? LOL
You can check everything here EARN
Don't just stare, let's do it bruh!

   A glimpse of the income of money that has been collected by BCNEX is very much, for example for Ethereum it exceeds 13,000 ETH, Bitcoin more than 700 BTC has been collected. Very big value because this is something that is valuable and worthy of support, now it is also still the stage of collecting money with a Tether session and then proceed with the ByteCoin session. In the middle of the money collection there is an event that makes money, now that's what is called the EARN task from BCNEX.

Questions : Where is the proof, bro?  I do not believe and give proof.
Answer     : Ok, I gave the proof and you can see the proof that I swapped from Bcnex to Ripple .
Picture from my account at Bcnex Exchange
   You can see above if I have 20 Ripples that have been SWAP from BCNEX. This only performs a number of tasks provided by BCNEX, if all of them can be done and meet the criteria then you can get 121 BCNEX tokens from the EARN program. With the existence of this EARN, it is certain that BCNEX has finances that are capable and ready to operate Exchange in the future, we can also see that BCNEX has full support from various parts of the world. If you feel you want to further discuss in your local language then you can join the Telegram channel below:

You find it difficult to claim the EARN so you can freely ask questions in your local group and can be even easier to complete some of the tasks that have been provided on the BCNEX website. 

Why does BCNEX dare to SWAP to Ripple?
   Because this is a market opportunity that can be provided by Ripple with the same price as BCNEX, there is nothing wrong with the BCNEX development team doing this because it can be said that this is the Buy Back program at the beginning and it is certain that the BCNEX price is equivalent to Ripple. At present Ripple on the market has a price of around 6000 Satoshi and that's a pretty expensive value, especially for BCNEX. SWAP can also be said that this is a test drive process for instant trades that can be used later by traders who have accounts on BCNEX, whether SWAP runs smoothly or has Bug problems in the process, so for now this is the best way to SWAP test using BCNEX and Ripple. We cannot deny that the problem in terms of cryptocurrency is certain and we can prevent it from being started and this is the best way from BCNEX.
   We know Binance has full strength in terms of cryptocurrency, Binance even has purchase features using Visa and Master Card, where it is very easy to use when we buy crytpocurrency that uses Binance account but there is also a weak point because Binance does not have SWAP Bitcoin feature with altcoins. This is an opportunity for BCNEX to move forward in this feature so that Bcnex can compete with Binance someday and later BCNEX will have the feature of purchasing crytpocurerncy using Visa and Master Cards and this I believe will be developed by the development team from BCNEX. Smartphones are very simple and easy to carry wherever we go and the BCNEX App can also be used like on a Smartphone. Android and IOS are smartphones that are attracted by many people and now BCNEX is developing a second system and this is an example of real evidence that BCNEX is really working on the Exchange Crytpocurrecny.

In every research and observation, we must be able to find a good point and must be able to find a positive value from an object that is being discussed. We can search this blog for the essence with a sequence of words like this:
- BCNEX has large funds in its development.
- BCNEX has many communities from various countries.
- BCNEX is developing an Exchange App for Smartphones.
- BCNEX SWAP for quick replacement of all crytpocurrency.

This is cryptocurrency, so be careful in every step of your investment because all the responsibilities of the crypptocurrency are borne by yourself.

This is the link to view  BCNEX   Project:

Official Website          :
Whitepaper            :
Bounty               :
Email Registered at BCNEX :
id Bitcointalk       : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7

Minggu, Mei 26, 2019

Legality of BCNEX is Recognized in Various Countries

Hello WhatsApp Guys?
What are you doing there?

   As an appreciation for those who have read my Blog over and over and are always looking forward to my Blog, today when the week end is writing about the Blog from BCNEX. Almost all Exchange cryptocurrency projects always surprise their future because basically the Exchange will launch coins to be traded, as a surprise it can be without using fees, prizes or trade competitions. BCNEX almost all have advantages in terms of the advantages that have been mentioned and this is the latest breakthrough for cryptocurrency traders to experience the latest sensations from Exchange that have been developed in Vietnam. The most surprising thing is that BCNEX has a trading system faster than other Exchange. BCNEX has 2,000,000 trade transactions every second of this trade transaction and this is something new breakthrough that is very much favored by cryptocurrecny traders. The speed of trading like this will also maximize traders to take advantage easily and stay away from losses quickly because the effect of the speed of an Exchange platform is very much at stake by traders.
   BCNEX Exchange has a very short journey to be able to build Exchange directly as it is now because BCNEX has full support from Angel Investors with an injection of around 1,000,000 USD and this is strong evidence that BCNEX is very focused on processing their finances so they can make Exchange useful for the future. Unlike the other Exchange that does not have the initial funds, BCNEX is a perfect advantage to continue to support. Many say also that the making of Exchange in Vietnam is very complicated with government regulations but the proof is now BCNEX has legality in various countries such as Vietnam, Japan, Singapore and the European Union.
Picture Source from BCNEX Official Twitter

   The collection of funds that are very serious from BCNEX and now also shows that evidence so that it penetrates the numbers at 13.302 Ethereums that have been collected by BCNEX. The enormous and perfect value of an Exchange fundraising and then is now being sold in the Bitcoin session. then there is still a sales phase using USDT and Bytecoin. With various stages such as this, it allows Investors to choose various options to contribute to the construction of the Exchange BCNEX. When Exchange creates tokens it proves that the token will continue to be used (Tokenization) for listing new coins or tokens that will be traded on Exchange BCNEX. The main purpose of BCNEX Exchange is to create an Exchange that is very much trusted as well as the Binance Exchange. But even BCNEX has a goal to defeat the achievements of Binance Exchange with the features of 2,000,000 transactions per Burning Coin and various advantages of the features of BCNEX that are now being developed.
Picture Source from BCNEX Official Website

   The best choice for investors is cooperation between BCNEX between AKAMAI, a provider of cyber security services. With this collaboration, it proves that BCNEX has a high level of cyber security that can be trusted by investors or traders when trading on the BCNEX Exchange. We all know that AKAMAI has a partnership with "All Branches of the U.S. Military", this proves that AKAMAI is a weak company and now AKAMAI has collaborated with BCNEX in cyber security. BCNEX also has a user interface that is very friendly to the eyes of the viewer of the BCNEX Exchange. so this will also have a minimum radiation level from the monitor screen. we all know the user interface part of the system that must be considered because the traders are better at seeing the user interface, the more interested they are in trading on the BCNEX Exchange.

BCNEX has very many and important features for invetsors and traders and I will conclude briefly for the advantages of BCNEX:
- BCNEX has an initial financial of 1,000,000 USD.
- BCNEX has Exchange legality in various countries.
- BCNEX has a transaction speed of 2,000,000 / second.
- BCNEX won 13,302 in the sales phase using Ethereum.
- BCNEX has cooperation with the world cyber security, AKAMAI.

This is the link to view  BCNEX   Project:

Official Website          :
Whitepaper            :
Bounty               :
Email Registered at BCNEX :
id Bitcointalk       : damsix
My Telegram     : @dam_six
My MEW      : 0x176D3D99BebD91F4Acec3B804D911CcA1D0483a7

*This blog is designed for public education and this is according to yourself personally, be careful if you want to invest in cryptocurrency because the risk is certainly there and is borne by yourself*.